SightMap® Integration Models for Websites

SightMap can be seamlessly integrated into any website platform. Learn more about each model below.

Simplified graphics of webpages containing SightMaps for each model: Embedded Model, Referenced Model, Connected Model, Custom Model.

Embedded Model

The user can find and view the map within the standard website and and search experience.

Simplified graphic of SightMap on a webpage for the Embedded Model.
SightMap Integration
1 User can easily access SightMap through multiple pathways from the primary navigation and other in-page entry points.
2 SightMap sizing has been optimized on both desktop and mobile devices.
Does not use any APIs to better connect the map to the traditional search experience.


Metrics API

Our Metrics API can be used to track performance in Google Analytics or similar analytics platforms.

Level of Effort: 1/5

  • CSS code to add responsive sizing to the iFrame.
  • Adding iFrame link to the website navigation.


📖 How to Add SightMap Embedded In-line

📖 How to Add SightMap as a Pop-up


Baker Block

Screenshot of a real webpage containing SightMap for the Embedded Model.

Referenced Model

The user can view specific maps of floor plans or units directly from your website’s search elements.

Simplified graphic of SightMap on a webpage for the Referenced Model.
SightMap Integration
1 Users can click to view a pop-up modal of your map, highlighting individual floor plans and units.
SightMap iFrame is still treated separately from the website’s traditional search experience.

Our Query String API allows users to target specific floor plans or units. These maps can be triggered by your existing website elements, giving users an extra layer of context.


Metrics API

Our Metrics API can be used to track performance in Google Analytics or similar analytics platforms.

Level of Effort: 2/5

  • Use of Query String API to display individualized maps.
  • HTML and CSS to add map buttons to existing website elements.


📖 SightMap Query String API Documentation


Skyhouse River Oaks

Screenshot of a real webpage containing SightMap for the Referenced Model.

Connected Model

The user can filter your map using your existing website filter controls.

Simplified graphic of SightMap on a webpage for the Connected Model.
SightMap Integration
1 SightMap filters are hidden with the website’s existing filters controlling the map display; this allows users to only have to enter filter preferences once.
2 Users need a way to switch between map views and traditional search views (e.g. by floor plan, by unit listing).
User must toggle between views to get a comprehensive view of availability.


Metrics API

Our Metrics API can be used to track performance in Google Analytics or similar analytics platforms.

Level of Effort: 3/5

  • Use of Query String API and Javascript API
  • Adding website controls allowing users to toggle between views.


📖 SightMap Query String API Documentation

📖 SightMap Javascript API Documentation


The Gantry

Screenshot of a real webpage containing SightMap for the Connected Model.

Custom Model

User can browse availability with the map blended seamlessly into the entire online search experience.

Simplified graphic of SightMap on a webpage for the Custom Model.
SightMap Integration
All default map controls are hidden, instead using the website’s custom controls and filters.
All elements of the search experience can be customized to best suit your visual branding, goals and preferences.
Cards and map are visible at the same time, allowing users to browse both simultaneously.


Metrics API

Our Metrics API can be used to track performance in Google Analytics or similar analytics platforms.

Level of Effort: 5/5

  • Use of Query String API and Javascript API
  • Full design and development overhaul of online search experience.


📖 SightMap Query String API Documentation

📖 SightMap Javascript API Documentation


Cortland Riverview

Screenshot of a real webpage containing SightMap for the Custom Model.