Code Sample Index
Heads up: Maps in the mirror will be larger than they appear.
The size of the map in these JSFiddles is scaled to the size of the example window. As such, the size of the map will be much larger on an actual website.
SightMap embedded In-Line
A simple use case, where the software is embedded in the web page.
SightMap in Normal FancyBox
This is an example of a SightMap embedded in a fancyBox modal window, using a simple jQuery fancybox call.
SightMap in Pure JS Modal
This is an example of a SightMap embedded in a pure JavaScript modal implementation.
SightMap in Pure JS Modal on Mobile
This is an example of a SightMap embedded in a pure JavaScript modal implementation. On screens small enough to be mobile devices, a link allows the user to open and close the SightMap on modal. On larger screens, the Sightmap is embedded in line, as normal.
SightMap in WordPress FancyBox
This code demonstrates how to embed a SightMap in a Wordpress page, using the FancyBox modal package.
SightMap in WordPress FancyBox on Mobile
This code demonstrates how to embed a SightMap in a WordPress page, using the fancybox modal package. This version displays a modal activation link on screens small enough to be mobile, but switches to an inline embed on larger screens. Not that the JavaScript is still formatted as it would be in a WordPress CMS.
Updated about 6 years ago